Schools may choose to describe up to two additional pieces of information about how their school is supporting students. These self-reported indicators are not factored into school accountability calculations but provide the opportunity for schools to highlight successful programs or practices in addition to the indicators included in school accountability.


We All Belong

We All Belong Park City School District launched the We All Belong campaign to foster a more inclusive and respectful community. Over the past several months, we have deeply reflected on our practices and recognized the need to go beyond protecting our students and stakeholders from harassment and discrimination. Our goal is to honor and respect every individual for who they are, where they come from, and what they believe. The campaign includes: Support Materials: Distributed to all parents/guardians and educators, these materials reinforce the message that everyone belongs in our school community. Resources: Available for parents, guardians, families, teachers, and administrators, these resources provide guidance on building a stronger sense of belonging, especially for those who may feel different or marginalized. Community Meetings: Hosted to engage families and stakeholders in the We All Belong initiative. Dedicated Website: A comprehensive resource hub with information, courses, and forums for all stakeholders to participate in this district-wide effort. While we live in challenging and often divisive times, this does not need to be our reality in schools and within our community. The We All Belong campaign may seem straightforward, but its impact is profound. Imagine the opposite—a community where not everyone feels they belong. That is unacceptable to us. Together, we are committed to ensuring that We All Belong is the reality we live and breathe in Park City


High-Quality Academic Services

High-Quality Academic Services Students and families are offered high-quality academic services Pre-K through 12th grade which prepare students to reach their academic potential and which include Advanced Placement, Dual-Language Immersion, Multilingual Learner Instruction, Concurrent Enrollment, Career and Technical Education Pathways in a safe, supported, engaged, challenged and healthy environment. All students are considered when planning for Gifted Education programming, and all students receive instruction using the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Model.