Schools may choose to describe up to two additional pieces of information about how their school is supporting students. These self-reported indicators are not factored into school accountability calculations but provide the opportunity for schools to highlight successful programs or practices in addition to the indicators included in school accountability.
Growth in Opportunities for all Students at OHS
OHS offers many rigorous academic opportunities. OHS shows an increase of students successfully completing courses through programs including; Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Concurrent Enrollment (CE), and Career and Technical Ed. (CTE). The following indicates the growth and success at OHS. In 2014, 169 students took AP exams, in 2024, 235 students took AP exams. In 2014, OHS gave 231 AP exams, in 2024, 352 AP exams. OHS has been on the AP Honor Roll for increasing access and increasing pass rates. In 2023 OHS also increased the number of Hispanic students taking AP Exams as well as the number of Economically Disadvantaged students. In 2014, OHS had a pass rate of 37%, in 2024 it improved to 51%. In CE in 2014, 255 students earned one or more credits. In 2024, 388 students enrolled in a CE course, with 2,692 credits earned. In 2024, 122 students completed 153 pathways. 347 students attended O-Tech with 30 students completing 32 certificates. OHS offers a university prep program called The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB). IB is recognized by leading universities, and evidence suggests that higher rates of DP students are more successful at university.
School Culture and Student Recognition
OHS has a strong, supportive culture. OHS students have multiple opportunities to build connections with the school through a points system where students earn incentives for participating in school activities, meeting goals, and engaging in positive behaviors. OHS teachers show a focus on building connections with their students by greeting them at the door, setting goals, communicating with parents, and making efforts to get to know their students. As a result, students feel more connected to teachers and OHS. Universities and Scholarships recognize OHS students who have demonstrated achievement. The university entrance clearinghouse for English and Math success at university shows that OHS students perform 3% above the state average. OHS students show not only excellence in academics but also community engagement, time management, and study skills needed for college and career success. The information below from OHS 2024 seniors is an indicator of post-high school success. In 2023, Ogden High had an estimated 52% of seniors complete a FAFSA application. In 2024, 445 seniors were awarded a scholarship. Overall, 50% of the scholarships were awarded to first-generation students and collectively the class of 2024 earned $6.2M in scholarships.