Schools may choose to describe up to two additional pieces of information about how their school is supporting students. These self-reported indicators are not factored into school accountability calculations but provide the opportunity for schools to highlight successful programs or practices in addition to the indicators included in school accountability.


School Wide LETRS Training

Our entire school is participating in LETRS training. This intense weekly training is further sharpening our teachers ability to understand and teach the science reading. Our teachers are implementing the new training into their teaching and are excited about the progress their students are making with reading.


95% interventions

Due to the loss of learning brought on during the pandemic we have implemented an intense targeted reading intervention program called 95%. Through Acadience reading screening and progress monitoring our teachers are able to identify the areas of reading deficiencies. When these deficiencies are identified students attend a research based reading intervention that targets this area of concern and helps the student to become a more proficient reader.