Schools may choose to describe up to two additional pieces of information about how their school is supporting students. These self-reported indicators are not factored into school accountability calculations but provide the opportunity for schools to highlight successful programs or practices in addition to the indicators included in school accountability.


Teacher PLC Teams

Windsor teachers value the work of the Professional learning community. We use a staggered collaboration schedule to allow them time to look at student data weekly. They can evaluate the benefit of their instruction and learn from each other. The staggered schedule allows for a coach and administrator to be present in most meetings. The coach is able to prepare the data, provide resources for interventions and drive discussion. Having an administrator in the meeting helps align the allocation of funds and resources to the needs of each grade level. A survey given in 2020 showed that 93% of our teachers value this time and stucture.


Dual Language Immersion

As a Title 1 school that is 49% Hispanic and 49% Caucasian, we value our cultural diversity. Because of our demographic, we are able to closely follow the state recommendation of 50% native speakers in the program. Our language learners benefit from the immersion program, and it allows them to have success in their native language, while learning English. Our students are tested on the AAPL language test and experienced proficiency levels of 92% in listening, 94% in writing and 98% in reading! Windsor is in the 6th year of Dual Language immersion.